Istvan Kopar and his race management team are pleased to announce that Alexseal Yacht Coatings has signed on as the latest product sponsor of Istvan’s 2018 GoldeScreen Shot 2016-06-29 at 1.00.19 PMn Globe Race effort. Mankiewicz Coatings, LLC, is a global company headquartered in Germany, with their North American headquarters in Charleston, South Carolina. They have produced Alexseal Yacht Coatings for several years, after first pioneering technological advancements in high quality paint development for machinery, automobiles, and commercial airliners. Mankiewicz has mastered the creation of coatings capable of withstanding the harshest environments, and the seaworthy Alexseal
Yacht Coatings are merely the latest manifestation of the company’s expertise in this industry. Istvan’s use of Alexseal’s premium topcoats will ensure that Puffin will not only have a finish resilient to the roughest waves of the Roaring Forties, but also that the vessel will look magnificent as she speeds through them. The color of the finish will also provide an im
portant safety function, as Istvan plans to paint the hull a bright color in order to be highly visible to larger boats he may encounter (an especially important consideration for a singlehanded skipper). The attached photos speak for themselves. Alexseal represents the finest in marine paints, and we are honored to have them on board.

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