My 1st solo circumnavigation completely unassisted

A seemingly unattainable dream was put into words in my childhood: to sail around the globe solo. With only one stop. And in only one year. How could I even think of such a venture—being a citizen with limited means and of a country without sea borders? There was a [...]

By |2023-03-27T13:08:05-04:00March 11th, 2023|Hungarian Language Posts, Istvan's 1st solo circumnavigation|Comments Off on My 1st solo circumnavigation completely unassisted

GGR Part 4–Hungarian Language Version

Below is the Hungarian version of Part 4. For the English version, please click here. Suhaili ágyúja pontosan délben dördült el (2018 július 1) és Puffin a rajtvonal Északi oldalán, a GGR mezőny első negyedében szelte át a rajtvonalat. Az év- és napszakhoz igazodó kánikula ellenére is nagy létszámú szurkoló jött ki a rajthoz a [...]

By |2021-04-25T16:17:39-04:00April 25th, 2021|Hungarian Language Posts|Comments Off on GGR Part 4–Hungarian Language Version
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